STEM Programme

Hewens College welcomed members from SPARK and Volunteers from Heathrow Airport who delivered a Heathrow
STEM Generation workshop to Year 8 students. The main aim of the workshop is bringing careers at Heathrow to life (focusing on engineering, but with an awareness of the vast array of careers available) as well as using the Skillsbuilder framework to cover the skills required by employers. The students participated in an interactive challenge where they worked in teams to code a BBC microbit to navigate a Move Motor vehicle across an A2 map of Heathrow Terminal 5. Students were very engaged throughout the 2-hour session and did well in attempting to programme the vehicle to navigate the set path. This was a fantastic opportunity for students to be connected with one of the largest employers in West London, questioning the volunteers, as well as developing their skills to support their decision-making for GCSE options.