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Vision and Values

We encourage all our students to strive continually to achieve their personal best. 

We are ambitious for each individual and through our innovative curriculum and structure, seek to build self-esteem and raise aspirations. Our intensive and systematic monitoring and tracking of students ensures that they receive appropriate support at all times during their school career.   

We believe in education in its broadest sense. Extra-curricular activities are of the utmost importance and an integral part of the overall education of our students. We run a programme of events, which both complements coursework and also offers other unique experiences.

Great importance is placed on communication with our parents, guardians and carers.  Consultation and academic tutoring meetings for students and their parents, guardians and carers provide the opportunity to discuss, in detail, progress and achievement as well as the way forward. 

Hewens is an inclusive College.  We work hard to create a community in which all individuals feel valued. We believe that a community thrives when it is built upon respect; respect for individuals, for the environment, for property. Ours is a College where good manners are important. We want our students to grow into polite, considerate and responsible members of society. Our aim is supported by our policy of rewarding achievement and by the opportunities we provide for adopting responsible positions within the College.

We provide an atmosphere which enables our students to acquire a wide range of knowledge, skills and practical abilities.  We strive for excellence in all we do.  Our college ethos is built around the 6 R’s of: 

Respectful  Responsible  Reflective  Resourceful  Rational  Resilient

These R’s are used as a cornerstone in how we deal with all situations at our college and how we reward students. We believe that by demonstrating the R’s every day, students will become positive members of their college and local community. 


The College aims to support all its young people in being prepared for life in modern Britain.

The College has a duty to actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

To this end we aim for our students to become valuable and fully rounded members of society who treat others with respect and tolerance, regardless of background.


At Hewens College, democracy is a concept that is explored and promoted within Humanities subjects, as well as cross curricular and during form time. The Student Council is a democratically elected, active and thriving group, ensuring students have a voice in the College.

The rule of law

Our students will encounter rules and laws throughout their lives. We want them to understand that whether these laws govern their lessons, the College, the community or the country, they are set for good reason and they must adhere to them. Visits from authorities such as the Police and Members of Parliament are regular parts of our calendar and help reinforce this message.

Individual liberty

At Hewens College, students are actively encouraged to make independent choices, knowing that they are in a safe, secure and supportive environment. As a College we educate and provide boundaries for students to make choices safely, through the provision of a safe environment. Students are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and receive advice about how to exercise these safely, for example through workshops about online safety and safe social media use.

Mutual respect

The College promotes respect for others and for our surroundings, evidenced by our classroom and College environment. Students are taught the importance of listening and constructive debate in subjects such as English, History and Citizenship. Assemblies and PSHE provide opportunities for students to understand the importance of mutual respect, and what happens when this is lacking. The College’s Behaviour and Relationships Policy places emphasis on the importance of young people having healthy, respectful relationships with their peers and with adults.

Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

The College aims to equip students with the ability to understand their place in a culturally diverse society by giving them opportunities to experience such diversity within the College community and beyond. Our Humanities and RE curriculum provides a broad and balanced education on a range of faiths, religions and cultures. We celebrate the religious traditions of a range of faiths in College. Trips and visits, including abroad, enhance students’ perceptions of the world around them as well as of their local area.